Welcome to the Jamia Tamir-E-Ummat

Jamia Ta’meer Ummat, located in Kethia, district Godda, Jharkhand, is a comprehensive and unique institution. It is a powerful movement dedicated to empowering and nurturing Muslim boys and girls into capable, competent, and productive individuals. The current state of Muslims’ decline and helplessness is well-known, particularly in this region, where there is not only a lack of higher education but also a significantly lower literacy rate compared to other communities worldwide. It is an established fact that no nation can achieve progress and stability without education.
Alhamdulillah, while there is now greater awareness among Muslims about the importance of education, and despite financial struggles, many are striving to educate their children. However, the concern for education and its widespread promotion are still inadequate. For those who are concerned, the absence of an institution in this region offering both religious and contemporary education in an Islamic environment was deeply felt. Such an institution is essential for enabling Muslim children to achieve higher education, occupy prominent positions at a national level, serve the community and the nation, and remain steadfast in their faith while accurately representing Islam.
With this vision in mind, under the supervision of the *Naumani Educational and Welfare Trust*, Kethia, and the special attention and blessings of *Pir-e-Tariqat* and *Amir-e-Millat*, Hazrat Aqdas Mufti Abu Qasim Nomani Sahib (db) (Principal and Sheikhul Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband), Jamia Ta’meer Ummat, Kethia, was established on November 19, 2019, in extremely humble circumstances with a makeshift shelter. Generous and concerned individuals like Dr. Muhammad Abbas Sahib Kethia and Professor Muhammad Rustam Sahib Kethia dedicated their valuable land as a perpetual charity (*Sadaqah Jariyah*) for the madrasa. May Allah reward them abundantly on behalf of the entire Ummah.
Since its inception, the servants of the Jamia have been committed to providing the best education and nurturing for the betterment of the Ummah. Under the wise leadership of the current director, *Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shahnawaz Abbas Sahib Qasmi* (db), a *Khalifa* and *Mujaz* of *Hazrat Amir-e-Millat Mufti Abu Qasim Nomani Sahib* (Principal of Darul Uloom Deoband), and through the tireless efforts of the teachers, staff, and the grace of Allah, coupled with the generous support of well-wishers, this beloved institution has rapidly become one of the most impactful institutions in the region. (*Alhamdulillah*)
The institution provides excellent Quranic education with Tajweed, alongside contemporary education for both boys and girls. Under the supervision of the Khanqah Naumani, spiritual and reformative gatherings are organized in villages to reconnect the Ummah with their Creator. Special meetings are also held for women to address the issue of apostasy among girls and to raise religious awareness among them.
It is also evident that the greater the task, the greater the effort and struggle required to accomplish it. For this, the support and special attention of sincere individuals like you are essential. We hope that those with a genuine concern for the community will make every effort to nurture and develop this institution. May Allah bless this endeavor with outward and inward progress and make it a source of goodness for the Ummah. Ameen.
Our Board of Directors
Alhamdulillah, while there is now greater awareness among Muslims about the importance of education, and despite financial struggles, many are striving to educate their children. However, the concern for education and its widespread promotion are still inadequate. For those who are concerned, the absence of an institution in this region offering both religious and contemporary education in an Islamic environment was deeply felt. Such an institution is essential for enabling Muslim children to achieve higher education, occupy prominent positions at a national level, serve the community and the nation, and remain steadfast in their faith while accurately representing Islam.
Fusce condimentum sem enim, a ornare ex vestibulum ut. Cras neque tortor, faucibus sit amet lacus eu, maximus hendrerit ipsum. Aliquam pulvinar libero vitae dui porttitor, at condimentum dolor eleifend.
The Board of Directors meet on the second Thursday of every month. These meetings are open to the public.

Upcoming Event
Ramadan Prep Workshop, More Details